Types of Security Systems and Why Your Business Needs One.

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Types of Security Systems and Why Your Business Needs One.

Security is a critical concern for today’s business owners. You need to consider everything from criminal vandalism to employee theft to cyber-attacks. The best security installation will include a diverse range of features that provide functionality for all possible threats. Consider the key benefits of these top security solutions so you can build a custom system that meets your company’s needs perfectly.

Video Surveillance

Video surveillance systems are typically one of the first things business owners think of when they’re considering purchasing a security system for business purposes. Modern digital security cameras offer a clear picture and continuous monitoring, so you never miss a moment in your commercial building. You’ll find a vast landscape of choices in this area, so it’s important to consider your needs carefully.

If you’re interested in deterring criminal activity with the mere presence of a video security system, you’ll want an open setup, where the cameras are readily visible. If you’re hoping to catch employee theft alongside customer concerns, you may prefer a system that’s more discreet. The typical business loses 5 percent of annual revenue to employee fraud. Roughly a third of employees commit some type of employee theft. A discreet video security system for business purposes can catch these individuals in the act.

A security camera system for business use can also serve other purposes. It can help you improve productivity by offering a bird’s-eye view of bottlenecks in your production line. Cameras throughout your retail store will clue you in to shopper behavior, highlighting the path that customers take through the store and where they linger longest. Surveillance can help you gather critical evidence to mediate employee disputes or investigate customer complaints. The right setup offers a valuable tool for myriad purposes.

Security Alarms

Intrusion alarms are an integral part of your security monitoring system. These alarms can sound audibly on-site or simply alert off-site responders to unauthorized access at your place of business. The typical security alarm features a code that individuals must enter within a short period of time after entering the building. If the code isn’t entered properly, an alarm will sound, often reaching out automatically to local authorities.

An audible alarm may stop criminals before they have a chance to steal your products or equipment, as they will know that authorities are on the way. This type of alarm also offers a valuable form of protection for employees who are alone after hours. The alarm will let them know that an intruder is in the building, so they can take the proper action quickly.

Live Remote Monitoring

Live remote video monitoring offers an affordable alternative to keeping a large staff of on-site security guards. When you combine your video security system for business use with remote monitoring services, you instantly increase the effectiveness of your security. A well-rounded security system for business facilities needs both video surveillance and someone to watch these videos. When you have live monitoring, you can increase your response times, potentially catching criminals before they’ve left the property.

Many modern security systems combine highly-trained monitoring agents with smart technology. Intelligent automated features help battle viewer fatigue by issuing an alert when there’s unusual activity or sudden motion in a particular environment. This will, in turn, draw the live agent’s attention to that particular area so they can better assess the situation.

Access Control

Access control systems come in many forms. These might rely on a key card, digital keypad, or personal fingerprint. When an access control system is in place, it’s increasingly difficult for intruders to get into the building. Locked, reinforced doors will keep most common criminals out.

Consider your choice of system carefully. If you’re using a key code, it’s best to combine this with a well-placed security camera system for business use. Keep at least one camera pointed at your access points, so you will know if one of your employees has passed the code along to an unauthorized individual who is now using it to enter the building.

Key cards are more secure, but they still have their weaknesses. Tech-savvy criminals can clone key cards for their own personal use. It’s also possible for an employee to lose his or her key card or give it willingly to someone with criminal intentions. The benefit of a key card is that you will know which card was used and can hold that individual responsible for any damage that occurs while their card is in use.

The most secure option is an access control system that uses fingerprint identification. It’s impossible for an employee to pass along a fingerprint, so you will know who is involved if theft occurs after a particular individual’s fingerprint was used to enter a secure area.

Wireless Sensors

Wireless security sensors can work for many different purposes. Pair these with other parts of your security system for a helpful alert about motion or activity throughout the building. You can use wireless sensors to track movement throughout your warehouse. These sensors may alert you to an open window in a residential facility or let you know when the door to your store’s stockroom has been opened.

A well-placed sensor will help draw your attention to sensitive areas. If you have a jewelry counter or other space with high-end items, you can use sensors to let you know when someone is behind the counter. In other facilities, your sensors can let employees in the warehouse know if someone has entered the front doors of the building. These sensors help track movement and activity, giving you the chance to respond proactively if something is amiss.

Gates and Barriers

Physical barriers are at the core of any basic security system. Even something as simple as tall fencing will provide a deterrent to common criminals. Surrounding a car lot with strong fences makes it more difficult for individuals to get away with a vehicle undamaged. A live monitored security gate for your industrial facility will give you a record of everyone entering and leaving the building, so you know how many people are inside at all times.

Proper landscaping can keep burglars away, as well. Though large shrubs may seem like an effective barrier, they offer more of a hiding place than a form of physical security. Opt instead for low shrubbery so your security cameras have an unobstructed view.

PA Systems

Integrating a PA system with the rest of your security features will give you a powerful way to communicate across a large property if something is amiss. In a school setting, a PA system might alert teachers to a potential threat. In a retail setting, you might use code words to let employees know there’s a sensitive situation, such as a lost child, that requires a vigilant response. Your PA system can also issue an alarm across the property for criminal intrusions. This will likely scare such intruders off and may prevent theft.

Digital Security Systems

While physical security is a key concern for many business owners, you can’t overlook the importance of your digital security, as well. Nearly all businesses face some type of digital threat. This may come in the form of hackers who are after customers’ financial details, or it may be cyber-criminals looking for proprietary information on your products or formulas.

You must have the proper security measures in place to protect your business from hackers, viruses, and spyware. An alarming 87 percent of small business owners don’t think that their companies are at risk of being hacked. Yet roughly half of small businesses do suffer from some form of cyber-attack. Protect your company by backing up information, keeping computers and other technology updated, and securing your Wi-Fi connection. Limit access to sensitive information so that you can avoid widespread sharing of anything valuable.

System Integration

Once you’ve identified the most important features for your security system for business purposes, it’s time to select the proper method of implementation. While you can piece together products and services from various companies, the best option is to set up an integrated system. Choose sensors and cameras that communicate with your remote security agents, and implement systems that allow those agents to reach out efficiently to security guards on-site. The more comprehensive your integration, the better protected your facility will ultimately be.

Security is something you can never take too lightly. As a small business owner, you’re responsible for protecting your employees, customers, and products. Make sure your facilities are secure and your shoppers are safe with the right security systems for your company.

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