Safety and Security of Your Business, How Video Surveillance Can Help

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Safety and Security of Your Business, How Video Surveillance Can Help

Safety and Security of Your Business, How Video Surveillance Can Help

Video surveillance is a powerful tool to ensuring the safety and security of your business. Security camera monitoring keeps professional eyes on your property at all times, whether you are there or not. EyeQ Monitoring provides offsite business monitoring that has proven especially essential during COVID-19 quarantine, when many businesses are closed for an extended period. Even under normal circumstances, EyeQ Monitoring provides an extra layer of safety and security for your business. Here’s how:
Prevent theft Everybody needs to be protected from theft, and business video monitoring is the best way to do that. Thieves strike just about anywhere they think they can find something valuable, from retail stores, auto dealerships and construction sites to factories, schools and apartment complexes. Video surveillance cameras deter many thieves from even trying and is effective in catching the ones who do.
Collect criminal evidence If a crime is committed on or around your premises, the footage can help authorities identify the culprit. That footage then can be used as evidence in a criminal court case.
Resolve internal disputes Disputes can occur in any business of any size. Disputes can be among employees or between employees and managers or customers and employees. Regardless, being able to review a situation caught on video is an effective way to resolve an incident.
U.S.-based, real-time monitoring

At EyeQ Monitoring, all of our offsite security monitoring is done right here in the U.S. This provides for a faster, more efficient response time to immediate needs. We also can talk down intruders. For example, if people are snooping around your auto dealership after hours, our highly trained monitoring experts can address them directly: “Hey, you in the red hoodie! The police are on the way!” That in itself is often enough to send would-be criminals fleeing.

EyeQ Monitoring provides high-tech equipment and highly trained video surveillance monitoring experts to add an extra level of safety and security to any business of any size. Contact us today to receive a free quote!

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