Biotech has been big business for many years. From birth control, to manufactured insulin, to genetic mapping, blockbusters worth billions of dollars are being pumped out regularly in an industry that is only getting bigger. This is because technology and 2018 tax reforms have created a tsunami of exponential growth for the industry. Huge paydays are around the corner for similar small to mid-cap biotech firms like Shire Plc who was purchased for $60.5 billion.
With this type of money and opportunity for biotech companies to be the next billion-dollar buyout, it becomes essential for these enterprises to invest in the security and surveillance of their labs and offices. I mean, the need to protect a billion dollars or potential billion dollars’ worth of intellectual property and equipment is a no brainer. Not only does the security and surveillance offer you a piece of mind, but the analytical monitoring of the system can provide deep insight into your company’s operations. This insight will expedite and may even unlock the opportunities needed to increase revenue ten-fold. In the end, as biotech opportunities grow, so does the need for leveraging synergetic technologies in order to create the highest opportunity of a successful endeavor.