Virtual Security Checks

Virtual Security Checks

Monitor What Matters To Minimize Risk, Reduce Costs

Our Virtual On-Demand Security Checks Provide A More Cost-Effective Way to Protect Your Property 24/7

Move Beyond The Costly “Old Guard” Approach

The traditional guard model is fast becoming outdated. Why? Simply put, regular security checks in and around your property can be anything but routine – especially if there’s a real-time incident to report – and seconds matter.

Fact is, time is everything when it comes to well-coordinated security checks. With our remote video monitoring security checks, you can be assured that our always on experts check-in on-time and instantly alert authorities if ever there’s an issue.

Our 95%+ customer retention reflects our focus on providing quality services and being trusted partners.

EyeQ On-Demand Security Checks

Monitor What Matters:

Our always on security experts check-in at the right locations, at the right time, to ensure your property is operating safely and securely.

  • Perimeter Locations (Fencelines Around Construction Supply Yard)
  • Entrance Gates & Exits
  • Common Areas (Lobbies, Corridors for Multi-Family Residential)
  • Parking Lots & Garages
  • Loading Docks
  • Commercial Building Exteriors (Back-Alley’s, Entrances, Elevators)
  • Construction Site Equipment, Materials & Access Points
  • Cash Handling Areas
  • Elevators & Stairwells

Minimize Risk:

Our AI-powered cameras detect, identify and alert to any suspicious and unusual activity or behavior – and when incidents do occur, our SOC team instantly dispatches local authorities to the scene in seconds.

Reduce Costs:

Our virtual security checks can cover your entire property more effectively and efficiently than any human can – all for a fraction of the cost.

Keep An Eye On What Matters With EyeQ Virtual Security:


Check In Right On Schedule

From gate checks to confirming permitted access in remote locations, our Virtual Security Checks are always monitoring the right situations at the right, scheduled times to help keep your business operating seamlessly and securely round-the-clock.


More Consistent Security For Better Peace of Mind

Our always on Virtual Security experts never let you down, working efficiently and effectively to enhance your security posture and responding to threat incidents in real time.

I really appreciate everyone at EyeQ, they support us throughout all our security needs and even escorting us to our car after hours.

Client, Senior Property Manager
Landpark Commercial

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